Thursday, September 09, 2010

9-1-2010 Tips

How do I delete stuff off my Flash Drive?

It is very common to have a flash drive sitting around, whether it be in your house or even on a key chain. They are great to hold your pictures, files, or music, but it doesn’t take long to fill them up. Thankfully, it is easy to get files on a flash drive and just as easy to get them off. Read on to learn how you can give your flash drive some space.

The first thing you need to do is connect your flash drive to your computer by inserting it into a USB port. In a few seconds, your computer should recognize the flash drive. If the flash drive does not automatically open, click on Start and Computer and look for the flash drive under Devices with Removable Storage.

Click on the drive and a window will open showing the folders and files that are on the flash drive. To delete an individual file simply right-click on it and select Delete. Once you have done this, a window will pop up asking Are you sure you wish to delete this item(s)? Click Yes.

If you want to delete all the files on the flash drive, hold down the Ctrl key and press A on the keyboard to highlight every file and folder. Right click on any one of them and select Delete.

If you want to delete certain folders and files, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each file/folder you want to delete to select them. When you are finished right click on any one of them and select Delete.

If you want to save the files onto your computer you can open a second Computer window and drag and drop files from your flash drive into a folder on the second Computer. To do this, click Start and Computer. Click the C: drive. Keep this window open and click on the second window that shows your flash drive files. Now you can drag the files from your flash drive into any place on your hard drive in the second window.

You can also format your flash drive and completely erase everything on it. To do this right click on the drive and select Format.

When you are finished deleting the files off your flash drive find the Safely Remove Hardware icon in your system tray in the bottom right hand corner (by the clock). This icon will have a left facing green arrow on it. Double click on the icon and a window will open showing your flash drive. Click on it once to highlight it, click the Stop button, and wait for the message Safe to Remove Hardware. You can now safely remove your flash drive from the USB port. If you do not do this before you disconnect your flash drive, you can corrupt your files.

File Check Boxes in Windows 7

When you're selecting a bunch of files in Windows 7, what's your method? Do you drag a box around them and hope you don't ensnare anything extra? Do you hold Ctrl and click file after file?
Or do you just use check boxes?
How do I get those, you ask? Well, Follow me!
In Windows explorer, click the Organize button in the top left-hand corner and select “Folder and search options”.

Make sure you're under the View tab. Under Advanced settings, scroll down to the bottom and put a check next to “Use check boxes to select items”.

Now when you hover your pointer over a file a check box will appear in the icon for you to click. It's just an extra layer of assurance for when you've got a lot of selecting to do!

Circle Dock

dock is an open source (free) program that allows you to that customize your files into a dock—a circle dock. Like rocket dock, circle dock gives computer users ease of access to their files and programs. However, circle dock is a bit more advanced than rocket dock, because the designs and the main functions of the programs require more tweaking. The following shows you how to install and use circle dock.

Step 1- Download circle dock

The first thing to do is to download circle dock. Circle dock can be found at this link:

Step 2- Install Circle Dock on your computer

Once the download is completed, locate the file and double-click to install it into your computer; it should take no more than 30 seconds. Just follow the prompts and you should be fine.

Step 3- Running circle dock

Once the circle dock is completely installed you are now ready to run and configure it. To run the program, click on the icon (it resembles a bubble). A circle with one ring will then pop on your screen now. You can now start customizing the program by dragging icons, folders, and files from desktop into the ring. You can have a maximum of 50 items per ring, and you can customize how much items that can be on one ring.

Step 4- Customizing circle dock

To change the settings for circle dock, simply right click on the circle and select “dock settings”. You will have the option to change the shape, animation, items, etc.

Circle dock VS Rocket dock

So, which is better, circle dock or rocket dock? It all depends on what your preferences are. If you are looking for simplicity and little RAM usage it is recommended to use rocket dock. If you are looking for style, elegance, and more tweaking; it is recommended to use circle dock.


Would you like to watch live TV from your computer? I must admit, I don’t need to since I have access to a television, but if I had a laptop and wasn’t home it would be an awesome option. Did I mention that you can do it for free?

What you do is download the bar – either by clicking the girl talking or the Get Started button. It should auto install, and then you can watch TV from the bar by choosing a show.

The bar has the following options: TV&Video, Hot Shows, Radio, and Tools. TV & Video lets you select local stations, Hot Shows will show you a listing of popular TV shows, the Radio lets you play music through your browser, and Tools lets you manage all sorts of things!

If you run into any problems they have a comprehensive Help section, and if you absolutely don’t like the bar you can remove it anytime. The downloader comes with and uninstaller already packaged into it.

Check it out and give it a try today!

Up, Down, Left, Right!

Windows 7 has quite a few neat tricks up its sleeve! Today’s tip is not only useful, but fun to mess around with, too!

So, open up a program (just about any one will do), and hold your Windows key ( the Windows key is the one located between your Ctrl and Alt keys on your keyboard and has the Windows logo emblazoned on it).

As I said, hold your Windows key and press one of the direction arrows on your keyboard.

Windows Key + Left Arrow – Snaps the current window towards the left side of the screen.

Windows Key + Right Arrow – Snaps the current window towards the right side of the screen.

Windows Key + Up – Maximizes the current Window.

Windows Key + Down – Send the current Window to a compact state. Press again to minimize. Note: Once the window is minimized, you need to click on it again if you want to access it.

Remember: This trick is only for Windows 7 users. Everyone else is just going to have to use their mouse,

I am so tired of logging in every time I go to use my home computer. Is there some easy way to turn this off? How do I do this in Windows 7?

I had this same problem when I first started using my Windows 7 computer, so I know exactly where you're coming from. Basically, when you first install Vista or 7 and start using it, you are required to enter in a password for your account. But after that, you're not really given a choice to remove the password if you don't want it. You're just sort of stuck typing it in every time and that can get old rather quickly!

Now, if you're not the only one who uses your computer, it's sometimes nice to have a password. It is a good security feature and it helps to keep all of the different accounts separate from each other. But what if you're the only one who ever uses your computer? In that case, I say you should be able to get rid of the password prompt if you want. Don't you agree?! Well, you're in luck, because that's exactly what we're going to cover today. It's a very simple and fast procedure, so let's take a look and see what we've got!

If you'd like to bypass the Windows Vista and 7 log on process and remove your password, just follow these steps:

1.) Go to Start, Control Panel.

2.) Click on the User Accounts and Family Safety link.

3.) Next, click on the User Accounts link.

4.) Under the "Make changes to your user account" section, click on the Remove Your Password link for your account.

5.) On the next screen that comes up, enter in your current password.

6.) Click on the Remove Password button to confirm everything.

7.) Close out of all the open windows and restart your computer. That will allow you to test the system to make sure your password really was removed.

That's it! From now on, when you start up your Vista or 7 computer, you will no longer have to worry about a password.

MS Word 2007 & 2010: Including Path & File Names in Your Headers or Footers

If you've ever looked at a hard copy of a document and wondered "Now where did I save this?" then you want to know this one.

One of the most sure-fire ways to ensure that you know how you saved the file is to include the path (file location) and file name in the header or footer of the document.

With that in mind let's take a look at where we can find such things in our newest versions of MS Word.

Inserting a header or footer would be the first step… Insert Tab of the Ribbon, Header or Footer button then choose a layout.

Once you're in a header or footer you'll now have a Header & Footer Tools Design tab.

Locate the Quick Parts button and choose Field.

When the Field dialog box opens you're looking to locate and select the FileName field in the left column.

Once you've selected the FileName field the middle and right columns become active.

  • In the center section you can set how you want the information formatted.
  • The right column gives you the option to include the path with the file name in the header / footer.

Just for reference...

  • File name without the path:

MS Office Tip Wednesday 9-1

  • File name with the path:

C:\Users\April\Documents\MS Office Tips & Tricks\9-1 Wednesday\MS Office Tip Wednesday 9-1.docx

As you can see, this one adds the location of the file to the file name. If you tend to store files all over the place then it might be a good idea to include it.

At any rate, when you've made all your choices click OK.

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