Friday, September 10, 2010

9-1-10 tips

Windows Character Map

Have you ever needed a special character? -I'm talking about a special text character! Sure, there's a bunch of Alt codes you can use to get results, but if you're like me, you need a more visual approach.

So, in Windows 7 or Vista hit Start and type in Character Map in your search box. Now either hit Enter or double-click the Character Map icon that appears in the results.
A window should pop up.

From here, simply specify your font at the top and locate the special character you want to insert and double-click it. All of your selections will appear in the Characters to copy box, so all you have to do is hit the copy button when you’re done and then paste (CTRL+V) into your chosen program.

What is Social Networking?

I was thinking the other day how much and how quickly the internet changes. Social networking, for example, has exploded with new ways to interact that are introduced almost every day.

For those of you who are new to this concept (I didn’t even know what blog meant until three months after “everybody” was doing it), social networking is when people build online (usually non-local) communities (Flickr, Facebook, MySpace, etc.) to reach out to others who share the same interests.

There are a lot of ways to socially “connect” to people on the internet. You have to start somewhere, so here, in my humble opinion, are the top four “must-knows” of social networking.


It seems you cannot go anywhere without seeing the term “blog”.

A blog is a contraction for the term web log. It is basically an online journal that can be edited, read, or written in. Entries are usually posted in reverse-chronological order. If you submit one of these entries (post your thoughts), you are blogging.

Here’s something else: If you are passionate about something and want to discuss it with other people on the web, you could consider opening your own blog. Head on over to a blog setup site ( is the most popular, but there are others) and set up your own for free. They will guide you through all of the steps to get your very own blog up and running on the web. There are also other websites to go to that give great tips and advice for beginner bloggers.

Twitter, Tweets and Microblogging.
Twitter is a website to send tweets.

A “Tweet” is the small message that is posted on Twitter.

Microblogging is both.

Let me clarify things just a little more...

Twitter is going like gangbusters. It’s a social-networking website that is known for being the quickest, shortest way to post messages via the web. These messages are known as tweets. Tweets are text-based, up to 140 characters and displayed on the user’s page. The user’s Twitter page can be restricted or open to the public.

And there is a lot of tweeting going on! Along with the traditional user, lots of celebrities and other “famous” people now have a Twitter page and use it to post small messages about their status and whatever else they would like to share (President Obama even has a Twitter page).

Okay, so what’s Microblogging? If you have ever text-messaged someone, you have microblogged. Microblogging is communicating with people with a short message. Examples of this include instant messaging, text messaging, e-mail, etc. An entry can be as small as one line.

If you feel like sharing your mood for the day, or where you’re going on vacation, run on over to Twitter and open an account and post a tweet. And when you get back from vacation, you’ll probably want to talk about it a little more, so tweet on your twitter page and tell them to head on over to your blog for details.

Social Networking Websites
“Connect with us.”

I see that on more websites than not these days, and under the statement are the inevitable Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, Flickr (and sometimes many more) links to the social networking websites.

Here is an interesting example as to the importance of social networking websites:

“The Blind Side” – a movie starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw – was released on November 20, 2009. The reviews were tepid, with critics calling it “obvious” and “curiously devoid of drama". Social networking websites changed that. Moviegoers have made it #1 at the box office through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Between the blogs and the tweets geared towards moviegoers, social networking has become the real review of a movie.

In short, social networking websites are just what they sound like – a website that is completely geared towards socially interacting and reaching out to other people via the web.

Save a Search in Windows 7 Explorer

Did you know that you can save a search string in Windows 7? It’s really helpful if you commonly search for one kind of item on your hard drive, so you don’t have to go typing it in every time.

Here’s how you do it.

First, open up Windows Explorer. You can either click Start>Computer, or type in Windows Explorer in your Search Box located above the Start button.

In the upper-right had portion of the Windows Explorer window, you’ll see a box where you can type your search in. I typed in jpeg, to search for all the jpeg files on my computer. (obviously you can use your own search term).

Once your results pop up, click the Save search button, which is located on the left side of the Windows Explorer window.

Another windows will pop up and ask you to name your saved search. I just click Save.

Now you’ll see your saved search under the Favorites section in the left column of Windows Explorer. You can click on it at anytime to automatically start your custom search!

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